
After 90 minutes, the nurse shook her hand and sewed the last stitch in his wound. This time, the doctor and nurse will never forget the operation. Finally, Liu Weihua opened her eyes and showed a faint smile on her pale face. "Dr. Hyman, you cut me a total of 160 knives, right?"

Hyman doctor horror "how do you remember so clearly? Don’t you feel pain at all? "
LiuWeiHua took a gasp and said "pain! It is because of the pain that I remember it very clearly. If your hand can be steady and don’t tremble so much, you don’t have to cut 17 times. "
Dr. Hyman froze. He almost looked up at the young man for a long time before saying, "Although I don’t know your identity, people like you are definitely not FBI agents. You are an eagle with unfortunately broken wings. Although you are down and out, you are still proud. When your wound heals, you will definitely fly to the sky and dominate all day!"
LiuWeiHua said, "Thank you for your kind words ———" The words stopped in the middle. Dr. Hyman pricked up his ears and heard sirens blaring. It seems that several police cars are coming this way, not at LiuWeiHua. Four people died in a row. Even the dead people in the police station should have a little reaction. This kind of reaction is definitely not loved by the townspeople, including Dr. Hyman. He gave a curse. "Oh, damn, those bastards are coming! Those bastards are in front of the sun, but we are fiercer than the German shepherd. They are wearing the same pants as the gang! Young man, you have to hide. You can’t let them find you or you’ll be in trouble! "
Liu Weihua also listened to "three police cars have no armored vehicles, one police car has two to three police officers, a total of six to nine police officers". By magic, he pulled out a desert eagle pistol from the sheets, unloaded the magazine and counted the bullets inside. "The bullets are not enough." He rushed to the already blindsided Dr. Hyman and smiled seriously and asked, "Doctor, do you think that the last one will be scared to death after I shot a police officer’s head?"
Dr. Hyman fell to the ground with a thud. Will the policeman be scared to death in the end? I don’t know. Anyway, he is going to be scared to death.
Three police cars stopped at the entrance of the hospital, and the police lights flashed and sirens blared. A policeman jumped from the car to pull the formation and rushed in. Of course, no one dared to ask them for a search warrant now.
The thick body armor and brand-new g3 rifle are warning everyone to always be serious!
Chapter DiYiSi Eagle Folding Wings (4)
When so many deputy armed policemen stormed into the hospital, it was inevitable that there was a commotion. The patients, doctors and nurses were frightened and looked at these murderous policemen. They were at a loss. They had already found a place to hide before they knew who the police were looking for trouble!
The dean stopped the police and shouted, "Gentlemen, you can’t do this! You have caused great shock to our patients, which will make some of them worse. "
There is a scar on his face. The squadron leader smiled. The scar twisted like a centipede with claws and claws. He grabbed the dean’s collar and said, "Don’t worry, we won’t bother you. We were ordered to search the square and tried to find out four gangsters who killed them with their bare hands!" He raised his voice. "That bastard, we suspect that he is a terrorist. No, he is more horrible than a terrorist. We must find him or we will all be finished!" " A lun arm will dean pushed aside a head hit the wall dizzy if Hong Zhong "search! Careful search can’t let him run! "
At that time, the law and order in West Germany could not be compared with that after reunification. Because of being at the forefront of the Cold War for a long time, NATO Huayue Chen Bing faced the KGB, Grupo, F Force, ia across the Berlin Wall. MI5 is Mossad, where there is fierce confrontation and azimuth infiltration of West Germany, from gangs to police, from workers to politicians. They are everywhere. It is strange that the police can be well-organized. Many police officers have been deeply infiltrated, either by gangs or by foreign spies. For example, the residents of Scarface town know whether he and the Black Knight have organized a small leader, which is convenient and makes people’s teeth itch. However, it seems that this is the first time that this guy personally leads a team to find the black knight and is unlucky with people. It is also the first time that four thugs have been killed in a row.
Natalya broke into the ward in disgrace and shouted, "What to do? The police are coming for you! Listen to them and say that these policemen are gangsters. Not only do they not catch criminals, but they also call each other brothers. If they catch you, you will be finished! "
Liu Weihua asked, "How many policemen are there?"
Natalya’s teeth are fighting "one!"
LiuWeiHua corners of the mouth a pick raise with a free and easy smile "? Then I play just enough. "
Natalya just noticed that the fierce desert eagle pistol in his hand was hardly scared. It was bad enough that he killed four gangsters and killed a policeman in a row in the hospital, fearing that the whole of West Germany would shake and the gods could not save him! She trembled and said, "Don’t gun in the hospital, okay? This is a place to save lives, not a slaughterhouse! "
Natalia frantically stripped Dr. Hyman to a pair of pants. Her heart was full of contempt. Look at you, you are so bold that you are younger than me. The police haven’t come yet. No, you are scared to death, rat! She immediately found that Dr. Hyman’s head was a little red and swollen, and she didn’t know how Dr. Hyman fainted until she was knocked unconscious by a gun handle!
Scar’s face with four hands went on the rampage and rudely pushed the door of each ward, lifted the sheets and looked at each face to make sure it wasn’t the post-horse changing to a ward. The German was so serious and rigid that he tried to deceive him. He took out Liu Weihua’s photos and asked everyone if they had seen such a person staring at him as silent as a cucumber. It was only a matter of time before people were searched out by him.
There is no scar in this ward, and the face angrily retreated and said, "That bastard can really hide. If I catch him, I will put him in the cellar and let him hide!" Keep your eyes open. If that bastard gets away, you won’t have a good life! "
Several policemen were afraid to come out of Nuo Nuo’s atmosphere, which was intended to be perfunctory. However, less than twenty minutes after the incident, the Black Knight organized a leader to come to the door and ask the police to arrest the murderer and hand it over to them, otherwise the account will be counted to the police! Director Naihao crustily skin of head sent these most capable policemen over and repeatedly told them that people must be arrested or they will die ugly! There’s no way for these punks to get their spirits up and show their enthusiasm to cope with this hard work.
Scar face glared at these disappointing hands, raised his feet and was about to kick them according to the door of a ward. Just when he saw a blonde, tall and handsome female nurse coming this way with a doctor, the doctor was not tall, maybe he had just finished a very difficult operation, and his physical strength was so overdrawn that he was extremely tired. His forehead was sweaty and he had a little difficulty in walking. He stopped them and asked, "Where is that Asian with a leg injury?"
The doctor pointed to the operating room at the end of the corridor and gasped, "I’m still lying there. Boy, I’ve never seen such a serious injury. It took me 90 minutes to finish the operation!"
Scarface threw a "thank you" and took a few steps towards the doctor’s direction. He suddenly felt wrong and turned back and watched the doctor’s two heavy eyebrows twist together. "I think your accent and body shape are very similar to those of Asians!"
The doctor pulled off the mask to reveal a yellow face. "It’s not very similar. My roots are Asian!" Scar-faced and scary, the gunman just touched the left neck side of the handle and was cut in front of his eyes with a palm knife.
One black fell, and four policemen were surprised and exclaimed. They all pointed their guns at this extremely dangerous guy, but before they could pull the trigger and carry the wind, their fists had hit their heads and they all flew out one by one! G3 rifles are really good, but these policemen don’t know if they can touch them once a year to make them clumsy. Plus, the distance between them is too close, and g3 rifles are too small to be put to good use. It’s not as good as a police pistol to make a full magazine without firing a shot. The department was knocked down and simply fainted. This round of attack was like a flash of fire. Four powerful policemen fell to the ground in the blink of an eye. Everyone who was lucky enough to witness this scene was surprised and had a wonderful expression!
Sharp attack inevitably pulled the wound. Liuweihua turned pale and took a gasp. It was difficult to bend down to pick up two g3 rifles and several magazines. Although he disdained the performance of police bulletproof vests, it was better than Natalia screaming, "There are three policemen! They are coming! "
Liu Weihua said, "Yes, it’s much easier to save trouble together." She dug out a magazine with three anesthetic bullets and said to Natalya, "You go and help me get some medicine, alcohol, bandages and gauze. We will be surrounded if we are late."
Natalya looked scared. "You want to exchange fire with the police here? No, don’t kill in the hospital! "
Liu Weihua said, "I have the discretion to go!"
Natalya ran to the pharmacy before she ran out of a dozen meters. She heard the gun, and she screamed and turned her head to have a look. The three policemen had rushed up the stairs and were carrying g3 rifles at Liuweihua. Liuweihua hid in a small corner and hit the wall with bullets, but she couldn’t move. She dared not look at her hands and feet again and rushed to the corner of the corridor and finally escaped the bad luck of being hit by stray bullets. The gun behind her became more and more dense.
Three policemen alternately covered the approaching g3 rifle and kept spewing hot bullets. There was no gap between them, so the team understood each other, and the tactical accomplishment was not bad in the field army. It was not surprising that several small police officers appeared. Liu Weihua sneered and said to himself, "Stasi, you are really the ghost! You are everywhere!" It seems that there are too many bullets, and it seems that I glanced at the floor briefly. It is a bullet that obliquely shoots at an angle less than 30 degrees, slams into the ground and bursts into a spark. Then it bounces up at a high speed and plunges like a dagger into the thigh of a policeman who is suppressing his fire. The policeman screams that his rifle falls to the ground a few meters away, and he screams to climb over to the rifle to pick it up and fight again only two meters away.
The thorough sense of soul from the wound deprived him of all his strength, and he couldn’t move a finger. Before he became unconscious, he vaguely heard a scream in front of him, and another policeman was shot down. This guy was hit by a wall and bounced back, and his shoulder stumbled down. Finally, he realized that the situation was not good. He hid in the corner and they couldn’t hit him. On the contrary, his ricochet attack tactics frequently worked, and two of his own skills were put down with two shots. Isn’t that a death! ? He has been scared to hide in the door and pick a flash bomb. He wants to throw it in the past, but he hasn’t torn off the tab yet. The pain of the soles of his feet makes him scream and scream. The Grenade is thrown into the ward, clutching the soles of his feet and rolling around for a few times.
"Remember to wear bulletproof pants and bulletproof shoes when fighting in the second room, if you have these things." Liu Weihua lightly threw a word of advice to these unfortunate people. These guys must have received some military training, but they have no actual combat experience. They show that his eyes are as clumsy as those who fight field army fans with simulation guns. There is no sense of accomplishment in knocking down a few such things.
Natalya came running breathlessly with a medicine chest and saw that the three policemen were all down. "You killed them all!" ?”
Liu Weihua said, "Anesthetic bombs will knock them down, but it is difficult to lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months."
Natalya took a long sigh of relief. "It’s okay!" Looking around the corridor, everyone has fled or hid, and the swinging makes her even more afraid. "Let’s run quickly or we won’t be able to run away until the police and militia arrive!" Don’t say, drag and help LiuWeiHua to get into the ladder.
The rapid descent of the ladder gives people a feeling of slight dizziness. Liu Weihua said, "Go home quickly after leaving the hospital, and don’t run around outside again, or even if your family is as rich as an enemy, you won’t be saved."
Natalya’s beautiful eyes stared at the boss. "You want me to throw you for your life? No, no, no, this violates my principle of being a man and is also extremely immoral. I can’t throw you away because of me! "
Liu Weihua said, "This is your last chance. If you don’t leave, it will be difficult for you to get away!"
Natalia stubbornly said, "I will never part with you unless you are out of danger!" You don’t look at yourself. You just had an operation, and the wound may burst at any time. You have to fight gangs and these police officers who don’t do personnel with taxpayers’ money. Do you really think you are a superman? I bet you can’t live for three days without my help.
Yes! "
Liu Weihua said, "I’m afraid you won’t live a day with me!"
Natalia said, "That’s my business!"
In a few words, the Kung Fu ladder has reached the first floor. Liu Weihua struggled to stop at the entrance of the hospital. The police car smashed the screaming siren with a gunstock, and finally his ears were clean. Then he shot the other two cars screaming at the police car engines twice in a row. The technique was very professional. Obviously, it was not the first time to do such a bad thing. Natalia carefully pulled him to the co-pilot position and occupied the steering wheel. She skillfully started the car and drove the road to the outside of town. Liu Weihua said, "The driving skill is good."
Natalya proudly said, "I said I would be of great help to you!" By the way, where are you going now? "
Liu Weihua said, "The more remote the mountain area, the better."
Natalia mumbled, "Why are you hiding in such a remote place? It’s killing me!" Despite all the chatter, it’s interesting for her to go to the mountains honestly. A girl talks a lot. You say something about her, and she gives you ten compliments. Her horse is proud again. It’s easy to get along with her. I don’t know why. Looking at her, Liu Weihua always thinks of the beautiful girl in white as snow lotus. She likes to bicker with him so much. Is she okay? The thought of her added a ray of tenderness to his face, but it was immediately covered by anxiety.
The whole northeast and north China were bombed in a mess, and several families were broken. The warm and happy little family at Dalian seaside must be no exception, and she knew that he would go to extremes after an accident. Every time she thought about it, her heart was torn by anxiety and fear!
"Hey, what do you think?" Natalya saw that he looked strange and curious and asked
LiuWeiHua restored calm and said, "it’s okay. Is there a hemostatic bandage in the medicine cabinet? Give me a roll. My wound is bleeding again. "
DiYiSiYi chapter coming (a)
The police car struggled all the way through the stream, climbed the swamp, climbed the hillside and ran over the bushes-anyway, it didn’t walk by car until it finally ran out of breath. It stopped a mountain path that even the donkey couldn’t squeeze through. This path is steep on one side and makes people twitch at one glance. It’s hard to get here! Unfortunately, it met a baiwenhang.
Make sure this car is the same as before. After taking a step forward, Liu Weihua unceremoniously dug out a two-liter water bottle from the police car, pumped out the last oil in the police car tank and threw a Grenade into the car. Boom! There was a thunder on the mountain, and the police car jumped up with a fireball fragment flying around, and it was a bone when it turned over from the edge of the cliff
Natalia crossed her waist and stared at him and asked, "How can we get back to town if you blow up the car!"
Liu Weihua said, "If you go to Shanma, someone will come out and take you back to town."
Natalia left her pie mouth. "You mean those people who want to catch us, right? I’m not so stupid as to run out and let them catch me! What should we do now? "
Liu Weihua said, "Go ahead and you should find the ranger cabin. We can stay there for a few days and then find another way."
Natalya looked at the clouds coming from the mountain and said with a bitter face, "How long will it take to stay here?" I can’t see or hear music in this hellhole, and I won’t have fun and the Internet. I will talk to death! "
Really, she’s dying. Remember to look at her brain! Liu Weihua was too lazy to pay attention to her struggling forward with gasoline and a rifle on her back. Natalia hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, and the two of them stumbled forward together, which was dangerous. Natalia also told him with great interest about her limited mountaineering experience and hunting experience.
"I’ve visited many famous peaks in Europe. I go skiing and hunting in the Alps with my dad every winter. The top shotgun aims at fat reindeer and wild boar and then pulls the trigger. I’m not a bad marksman. I can shoot 70 rounds from ten rounds during military training in college, but I don’t know why I often work hard all day but I can’t even shoot rabbits."
Liu Weihua said in his heart, "It’s really a ghost that you can hear your yelling and be beaten by your prey five kilometers away!" He didn’t dare to say that. He was afraid that this chick would push him off the cliff.