
Masked in black humanity: "The royal family does have a master, and the only opponent here who deserves to be regarded is a very old Zen."

"The background of the Royal Dojo is not simple. The fire Zen also has the pagoda realm. With the advantage of Zen fire, he can reach the pagoda realm faster than the people of other countries. With the help of Zen fire, he can be afraid of us. Even the master can’t resist this fire Zen. I didn’t expect that there are other masters besides fire Zen."
The red-haired old man said, "I always have a feeling that this person is a Buddhist, and it is likely that we are being stared at and exposed."
The masked man in black shook his head. "No way, otherwise he would never show up now. This is obviously a great help to the royal family. I hope he will lose to Master in a few rounds."
Although we can’t see this battle, it has been shocking and deafening, and it is the only battle that hundreds of practitioners in Peacock Country have seen in their lives 2.
Sometimes the true qi forms the aftermath, which causes a lot of trouble to these people. They hope that this war will end immediately.
"I don’t know who can save Gong and fight the King Kong King Kong for so long. I can’t think of anyone else in the world. Is it possible that there will be more help from the royal family besides the four big killers?"
"Unexpectedly, we may have bet the wrong money this time!"
I don’t know when the war ended, and there was no more movement. Everyone looked in that direction to see the rest door. The strong man suddenly flashed as usual, as if he had gone to dinner instead of fighting with others just now, and he was still relaxed when he came back.
"Master!" Several disciples came over and looked at the old man, knowing that the old man didn’t get anything cheap in this war, but he didn’t suffer. The two men fought a draw.
They are curious about who the master was fighting.
"Master, this …"
The old man waved his hand. "Don’t think about going into the mountains and then go back immediately."
"What’s the matter? Who is that man? " The young woman asked the woman, and her intuition told her that Master was not as relaxed as it seemed.
"His grandmother, I skinned him sooner or later!" Djinn angrily said that he was beaten by someone and didn’t even see a personal shadow. This person is really lost.
The old man sighed, "He is still alive!"
Yi Deng Rudong
Listed in the duke’s mansion, sitting on the front steps of the bedroom, he and several people from De’s family, Di Qing Yan, sat next to the list and didn’t see it for many days. It was still very pleasant in his heart, but what happened these days made him pretend to be indifferent.
Di Fengchen and the blue elder also sighed and listened to them, saying that they told Qin Yi that night that they were going to make moves in the Avenue, and then they rushed back to their residence, only to find that so many things would happen overnight. When they came, they listed and others had already gone outside the city and didn’t touch them.
When chasing injustice, they can go out separately to find out. On the one hand, they can find the public and persuade him to be calm. On the other hand, they can look for the home of the Zhang family near here and meet the king kong strongman for a while.
So the blood knife monk and Yin reggae listed together with the ghost spirit, and the two sides agreed to signal each other once they found it.
List and Ghost directly found the lair of those people, but hesitated to start work until they saw the male holding the young woman and escaped, and they were ready to meet her, but unexpectedly, the male was seriously injured by the young woman’s plot against him.
Knowing that even if they add up, they are not the young woman’s opponent, they immediately sent a signal to the blood knife monk.
It’s a pity that Blood Knife Monk and Yin Reggae came a little slowly, and they didn’t dare to go in and trespass so that when they arrived, Gong was nailed to the ground by a long sword.
After the blood knife monk arrived, the last blow of the public also failed. Just as the public was dismembered by djinn, the blood knife monk suddenly stepped in to stop djinn from being a ghost and rescue the public. The blood knife monk also led the strong man away. After dozens of rounds of war, there was no result. The blood knife monk would not stay long.
While Yin Reggae and Luo Li brought Gong to a nearby town for immediate healing, and they joined forces to deliver the true qi and finally pulled Gong back from the ghost gate. In order to restore Gong, it is necessary for the blood knife monk to have super skill.
"You seniors won’t wake up for a short time. We have sent someone to the imperial city to inquire about the news." List sighed. "You’d better rest. It’s meaningless."
Elder Lan sighed. "I didn’t expect this. This is too unexpected. I hope the temple is really okay."
"Let’s think about ourselves," said another elder. "This time, the Zhang family invited such a big backer, and their family’s depth finally appeared. In case of a royal collapse, this royal side of our Di family will be completely erased."
Di Fengchen frowned but didn’t show pessimism. Instead, he could comfort everyone with a smile. "If the other party was sure to kill us, it would have started."
Looked at the list DiFengChen way "smoke you leave me and a few elders to rest for the time being, we will call me if you have something to do."
"Well know dad" Di Qing smoke pursed the lips and suddenly smiled gently.
She knew that dad said that to give them both a chance. After all, I haven’t seen them for many days, and now it’s a tense time. It’s also a lot of relaxation for them to communicate more.
After Di Fengchen left, he listed and looked around, and he boldly put his arm around Di Qing smoke and was always looked at by others. This moment was finally practical.
Smelling the tranquil aroma of Di Qing cigarette, I feel like I haven’t seen Di Qing cigarette for a long time. The feelings I have established seem to have faded. Now it’s like getting to know a girl named Di Qing cigarette again and having a new love and tension.
That kind of feeling is both novel and nervous, which makes him feel depressed slightly.
"Brother Luo, you must be very busy these days." Di Qing smoked judo
List nodded. Yeah, it’s really busy these days, and it’s really busy, and he’s always been a spectator, even if he participates, he can be completely ignored
Maybe it’s a decision of strength. He really wants to help and shoulder all this. It’s his own doing this. It’s nothing in the surging tide. Even Gong Yu, a Zen warrior who used to be the peak protector, has no room to fight back.
Actually, it’s really amazing. I came here to see this Buddha bead and spare no effort to help my friends solve this mess. I didn’t expect this series of things to happen again, which is quite contrary to my expected results.
The power of Peacock Kingdom has changed from a few shares to three shares. After a great war, our side will consume with the other two parties, but only to find that the other two shares have been twisted into one, but our side has finished the wind.
Several other dharma protectors have been confirmed dead, and a Qin Yi has been confirmed dead. I don’t know if the door will stop. The monk is also lying in a coma with a blood knife. He has a big yuan to heal the wounds. If she is optimistic, she will wake up tonight.
This time, Gong really has the guts to look at the sky and never thought that anyone would have such a big light to enter the territory of a nest of pagoda masters and be arrogant again.
"The situation is critical, you should protect yourself".
Di Qing Flue "You should also protect yourself from being brave".
"I really want to try to be brave once, but as you can see, it’s like this when he tries to be brave once. How dare I?"
"If you become like this, I will die of grief."
"I’m not that stupid," Li said with a smile. Although he was honest, he knew very well that he would not hesitate to do so if his companion was killed and his missing person was protected. We all chose a lot of things, but we didn’t feel much when someone else did the same thing.
"Now I want to know whether Qin Yi is dead or not. I hope that Gong will have some news this time, but he still hasn’t woken up."
"Qin Dage will be fine. He is so clever."
"I also hope that he can still be smart this time."
Ghost Spirit and Yin Reggae, a pair of old ghost kids, slowly walked over to see two people sitting here. Ghost Spirit scratched his head. "Alas, we are at the wrong time."
Di Qing smoke quickly sat up from the list of arms with shyness, "You just came at a bad time."
"It’s not time for us to come. What can you do with me?" The ghost grimaced and pointed to the inside. "How’s the little white face? Are you awake?"
Luo Li shook his head. "The master is still working hard. He will definitely wake up tonight, but it depends on him to recover."
"It’s a big life." Ghost laughs. "I would have died a long time ago."
"When he was dying, he still dared to shoot at that man." Yin Reggae said, "I think he is dead. Do you know that after the monk led the man away, he even said thank you to me?"
Several people laughed.
List laughed. "He can still know you?"
Yin reggae said, "I said he was unusual."
"I’ll forget it this time. When he wakes up, I must admit defeat with him personally." The ghost smiled.
The two men gambled twice that night, but they didn’t tell the difference. They didn’t always want to find an opportunity to compete once. This time, the public chose to brave the dragon’s den and even left a sigh of relief.
"Is there anyone alive outside?"
Suddenly, a monk with a blood knife said, "Come in while you’re alive. He’s awake."
Chapter 14 King Dojo
Chapter 14 King Dojo
List dare not say what is the most beautiful thing in the world, but at present, the sound of blood knife monk is beautiful
Gong woke up!
He’s okay!