
"So sometimes I also advise JiXiong you to be careful."

Yoshikawa did not intend to continue drinking and said, "It’s like Wei Zhi can get what I can’t get."
Zhou Xu said, "Wei Zhi is impartial and sees injustice, but Ji Xiong is angry. What is the same?"
Liu Yi quipped, "Brother Ji, all three of us came out of Huaihuang Town, but now you are advancing rapidly, leaving me and Brother Zhou far away. It’s hard to cherish today."
Jichuan eyebrows a vertical said, "today, I don’t think the government hall will talk about it and you will say it again."
See two people want to quarrel Zhou Xu raised his glass and said, "Two eyes are both officials of one side, and it’s time for you to have more status than Huaihuang Town. If the restaurant disputes, it’s a scandal."
"Just give Zhou Xiong a face."
When Zhou Xu saw Yoshikawa, it was rare for him to let go. He said, "I thought that when the Turks looted Yanmen, our family was in trouble. When we went to Huaihuang Town to defend the border, we could eat a mouthful of rice. I didn’t expect to have this cup with us today."
Liu Yi raised his glass and said, "I didn’t taste that it was a feeling that I, a businessman, could be in a temple in a county today."
When Ji Chuan listened to their sadness, he couldn’t help but raise a glass at the scene of Huaihuang Town’s official business. "At this moment, can you listen to my words and drink wine? Jun Jun’s self-leniency is like a wave of white heads, knowing each other, and still pressing the sword, Zhu Men’s first laugh and play the crown."
Liu Yi said unhappily, "Brother Ji, today is our happy day. Why do you say this?"
Ji Chuan smiled and said, "Is there a long time for human feelings? The three of us were born in different circumstances. It’s lucky that we can still drink today, or we can get drunk today."
Say three people clink glasses and eat vegetables at the same time, and the topic turns to officialdom promotion and founding the country. At some point, the restaurant is noisy.
A group of county bachelors are talking and laughing, striding upstairs, stomping on the stairs, and laughing long. It is the business spirit that reprimands Fang Qiu from afar.
Zhou Xu looked to one side of the screen, and he couldn’t help but think of himself. When he was young, he didn’t dare to sigh with emotion. Time is fleeting.
Ji Chuan glanced at Lou Shizhen and said, "After the country, the prince of Zhao intends to set up a state prison, and Zhou Xiong is expected to offer a drink."
Zhou Xu listened to one leng Yan and said, "Is the national prison offering wine?"
Liu Yi said with a smile, "If the news is true, too many students will be your disciples in the future. I’ll congratulate you first."
Zhou Xu listened for a long time and couldn’t speak. Liu Yi Jichuan knew that he was temporarily unable to react and made a fool. At the beginning, when Huaihuang Town was in Zhou Xu, he had a habit of stuttering. Now, a teacher by worthy example doesn’t stutter, but this habit of making a fool in a big event still can’t be changed
Seeing that Zhou Xu was silent, Liu Yi looked at Jichuan and asked, "Ji Xiong’s secretariat is well informed. I wonder if my younger brother is expected to be promoted this year?"
Jichuan listened to the silence of Liu Yi and pretended to be angry. "Jixiong has a little wind with your friendship with me. As you know, it is good for me to move into the hinterland of Anle County even if I don’t have the right to move into the center."
Yoshikawa said with a smile, "Well, I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you. You don’t even have to stay in Anping County this time. Do you want to go further?"
Liu Yi stopped eating chopsticks at once.
Zhou Xu couldn’t bear to say, "Brother Ji, you must keep people’s appetite?"
Liu said irritably, "Don’t say it."
When Yoshikawa finally came out, Liu Yi’s words collided with his anger and said, "The prince of Zhao intends to govern the second town of Huai Huang Yu Yi, and set up a weak water state in the north of Saibei. Mr. Liu, because there were many people in Huai Huang Town, you will be important this time."
Liu Yi was puzzled and said, "Zhao Wang set up five armies to control the grassland fan army. What does it mean to protect the government?"
Zhou Xu said, "Mr.Liu, you don’t understand this. Did you know that when Dahan set up the Western Regions to protect the government and control the fifty-five classes in the Western Regions?"
Liu Yi nodded and said, "Ban Dingyuan, who can’t know that a humble student has joined the army and sealed the Hou in Wan Li?"
Ji Chuan said, "But this western region is different from the local government. In addition to controlling the various parts of the grassland around Wuhou Qinshui, there are also the Han army in the second town of Yuyi, Huaihuang Town, Koguryo, Qidan."
"Do you want to know that the number of two towns in Huai Huang Yu Yi alone has reached 20,000, while the number of Chinese people in weak water states is closer to 30,000, which is equivalent to the number of Chinese counties, not to mention tens of thousands of Koguryo Khitan station troops and hundreds of thousands of grassland departments, so now the weak water states are invisible, which is a situation where Chinese people live together?"
Liu Yi patted the stock and said, "I know that the capital of this weak water state should not only control the number of people, but also govern the Han army so that the Han people can live in harmony."
Ji Chuan nodded and said, "It is this meaning that the prince of Zhao is really far-sighted. If it is impossible to coordinate the Han people, once more and more Han people enter the weak water state, the conflict between them will be difficult to govern."
Zhou Xu said primly according to the table, "I can’t believe that the prince of Zhao has great ambitions in his heart. It’s a blessing in this life that we can urge to create a prosperous generation. It really makes Xu look forward to knowing that the future will be like a dynasty in Youzhou."
Ji Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, so although we have been working hard these days, everything we have discussed is that the new dynasty can rival the three-generation system and let future generations once and for all."
"Three generations!" Zhou Xu couldn’t help but be fascinated.
Three generations are the dream of every Confucian scholar. It is well known that Kong Shang and Zhou Yi resumed Zhou Li-ji, and then Confucian scholars even recognized that even the Han, Jin and other dynasties were in chaos after three generations, not to mention the great Sui Dynasty in the North and South Dynasties.
Therefore, the Confucian scholars even said that the three generations are all three generations. Compared with Zhou Xu’s listening to Ji Chuan’s words, the bottom of my heart is to ignite the vision of a raging fire.
Ji Chuan is sober. He thinks that some of the three generations can’t be ancient and modern, but as for the three generations, they are still the most ideal merchants. Of course, Liu Yi can’t understand what they think.
Zhou Xu suddenly said, "What if Confucius, Zhou Mo, Xia and Lao Shang, the three generations of Zhao princes, established the eternal system as the three generations?"
JiChuan smell speech eyebrow said, "this is not what I can know? Now Zhao Wangzheng is discussing this matter with Chief Shi Wei and others? "
"Now?" Zhou Xu was surprised.
Jichuan is nodded his head.
At the moment, Wen Yanbo, Chen Xiaoyi, Wei Zhi, Wang Jue, Lu Chengqing and others are in front of the Li Chongjiu case.
Wen Yanbo said, "Report to Zhao Wang Wen Liguo that this is the foundation stone for more than a dozen township elders in Youzhou to restore governance for three generations …"
In the middle of the speech, Li Chongjiu said, "I don’t think it’s necessary to rule for three generations."
Chapter four hundred and thirty-nine Powerful door province
You Zhou ci Shi fu Chu huo tong
Today, the government hall has been talking for a day, and all the officials have long been very tired.
Not to mention Wen Yanbo, Lu Chengqing and others, they said that Wei Zhi worked so hard every hour, and his spirit was a little tired at the moment, but Li Chongjiu was in high spirits.
Li Chongjiu’s eyes swept over the crowd, and all the ministers barely sat up straight, but Wen Yanbo had long been out of energy. He kneaded his eyes and pulled himself together. Everyone knows that the most important thing in the national dynasty is to establish a one-country system, and it is only after the system has been established that it is possible to drive.
So Wen Yanbo and others are afraid to neglect for a moment.
Wen Yanbo first asked, "Is it impossible for Wang Yan to rule for three generations?"
In the pre-Qin period, except legalists, outsiders didn’t admire the three generations. Nowadays, readers all think that the three generations are the most typical dynasties, otherwise, there would be no such thing as Wang Mang’s original reform.
Li Chongjiu smiled and said, "You are all tired. Anyway, today is definitely going to talk about entering the night and you are not in a hurry to rest on the couch of the secretariat."
All the officials said, "Yes."
Li Chongjiu asked, "What snacks are prepared in the kitchen?"
An outsider reported that "I told Mrs. Wang that she was worried that your discussion was too late, so she had prepared tremella lean porridge in the kitchen early."
Li Chongjiu nodded and said, "How many bowls can you hold enough for my lovers to eat together?"
"That’s for sure, madam. I ordered someone to cook a big pot for you, and the small stove fire didn’t go out. If you want to eat anything, just tell someone to do it."
Li Chongjiu couldn’t help but praise Yang E Huang’s thoughtfulness. "Well, you can see what you can do and send a few samples at will, but the tremella lean porridge must come first."
Soon, steaming tremella lean porridge was served in bowls, although the weight was small, it was very delicate.
"Thank you, Wang Ciyan!"
Wei Zhi and others were already hungry, and after giving thanks, they picked up a spoon and ate porridge.
Li Chongjiu also ate a lot, and soon the kitchen was served with a basket of mutton and onion cakes and a pot of fish soup cooked by crucian carp
In the cold, everyone was drinking steaming fish soup and eating mutton and onion cakes. After a while, everyone was very comfortable and tired.
Wang Jue even breathed a sigh of relief and laughed. "How long has it been since I’ve eaten such a meal?"
Everyone put bowls and chopsticks and stretched himself to get back to the point.
Li Chongjiu said, "In the Three Dynasties, one side ruled only tens of thousands of people, so the monarch changed his political skills and made politics clear."
"And the sui room is in a state of chaos because of your self-designed method, and you have broken ten things since the dictatorship, and five people who miss it are just like those who miss it. If they can’t get through it, it’s too late to regret it. Thanks to the loss of years, it is hard to return. "
Li Chongjiu’s words: In short, in the three dynasties, the king ruled the population more widely than the place, and the road could not be concealed. Now it is easy to explain that it is difficult to clarify the politics of a big country with a large population, but a small country is very rich because it is easy to govern, and the living index of ordinary people is high.
Wen Yanbo is not easily asked, "Is that so difficult to cure?"
Li Chongjiu said, "Therefore, I think that heaven must be virtuous, and I think that all the departments should serve their posts, so that the temple will be full of surplus gentlemen and stay away from the villains. Therefore, I decided to customize the law first, otherwise the laws will be complete. What if officials don’t want to abide by the laws and regulations?"