
For example, two fighters practice martial arts exactly the same, and their grades and realms are exactly the same, so do their martial arts, and their height is exactly the same, and so are their teachers. Normally, these two men are equal in level, and no one can resist them.

However, if one person is an ordinary kendo realm and another person is lucky enough to break through to the realm of the unity of man and sword, then the other person needs a sword to defeat the former.
If we understand that the fighters who combine man and sword are the peak fighters, we can defeat dzogchen fighters across the border without any other means.
Of course, it is almost impossible for peak fighters to enter the realm of unity of man and sword.
Although it is possible for half-step innate fighters to enter this realm, some people are not born to practice sword materials, so some people will still enter the realm of unity of man and sword even if they become land immortal innate fighters. At this time, it is very likely that half-step innate fighters, a human category, can defeat the land immortal innate fighters.
This shows how powerful the combination of man and sword is.
Xu is now the peak warrior. If he can enter the realm of sword-in-one kendo and have a strong aura changed by a reiki qualitative changer, he can add Hengshan swordsmanship to the 19 swords, and he can just get the most powerful card-the first sword of the five swords in the sky …
If you add all these cards together, it is not impossible for you to be a half-step innate fighter in World War I.
The combination of man and sword is powerful.
The combination of man and sword is so powerful, so how powerful is the super sword realm?
Hengshan swordsmanship is elegant. Since there is a shadow of super sword, how can Hengshan Sword School not be strong in the past?
However, although Hengshan Jianfa still retains the 7749 style, it has lost its foundation.
At present, Hengshan swordsmanship is still very exquisite, but if the essence of swordsmanship created by our ancestors did not disappear in those years, how could it be the turn of Taishan Sword School to dominate the world?
Although the essence of swordsmanship has passed in the long river of history, Hengshan swordsmanship 7749 style can still suppress the 19th sword of Mount Tai.
Six elders entered Hengshan Sword School earlier than Xu, and had already learned the 7749 style.
Without the essence of swordsmanship, Hengshan swordsmanship 7749 can still defeat the well-preserved 19 swords of Mount Tai.
After all, ordinary Hengshan swordsmanship can be sold to 70 Wulin Index together.
When Xu Tai watched, the three elders also sighed.
"If the essence of Hengshan swordsmanship is not lost, where can Taishan Sword Sect be so arrogant?"
Xu was the first time to hear the essence of Hengshan swordsmanship, and immediately wondered, "Isn’t the essence of Hengshan swordsmanship the last seven styles?"
The Third Elder took a look at Xu and shook his head. "The last seven forms are that the essence of Hengshan fencing is the heart and brain of Hengshan fencing, but it is not the soul of Hengshan fencing. The essence of Hengshan fencing in my mouth is the soul of Hengshan fencing and the reason why Hengshan fencing was so awesome when it was first created. Do you know what position it held in the Jianghu when it was first created?"
Xu said, "The head of five mountains?"
The Third Elder said, "Is it the head of the Five Mountains? At that time, ten thousand worshippers of Hengshan Sword Sect surpassed the great forces of Wulin! "
Hearing this, Xu Meng was shocked.
Beyond the martial arts forces, how powerful is that?
What is the grand occasion of ten thousand worships?
The martial arts sect founded by the fighters in the early stage and the fighters in the middle stage is not recognized by Jianghu people, which can be regarded as a shrimp and a small fish comparable to the flame organization flow.
It is the dirty forces that the late fighters peak fighters create Wulin sects.
The martial arts sect founded by dzogchen fighters is the new martial arts force.
Only when the half-step innate fighters sit in the Wulin Sect can they be regarded as authentic sects and authentic forces.
Having a land fairy and a strong innate person sitting in Wulin Sect will promote you to a great Wulin power.
What is it like to surpass the martial arts forces?
Xu Jin’s contact with the most powerful sect is also the seventy-two caves in Baoquan, a powerful force level in Wulin.
The Wuyue Sword Sect is also an authentic sect.
I can’t believe that Hengshan Sword Sect was so powerful at its most glorious time.
Xu asked again, "so what is the soul of Hengshan fencing?"
The Third Elder said, "Three Great Dishes"
Xu frowns. "What’s the big three? What do you mean? "
The Third Elder said, "The first layer mixes the six-seven-forty-two styles into one move, the second layer mixes the last seven styles into one move, and the third layer mixes the seven-seven-forty-nine styles into one move. The soul of Hengshan Jianfa is in these three places."
Chapter five hundred and forty-one Three major problems
Hearing what the three elders said, Xu suddenly realized that he might have missed something.
This information belongs to Wulin Mall in the limited system.
Xu immediately entered the Wulin Mall in the limited system by playing the virtual page.
I have found the Hengshan swordsmanship before. The price of Hengshan swordsmanship is 7749. The Wulin Index is 70.
It stands to reason that if the Hengshan Sword Sect was once brilliant, it would be impossible to sell the 70-point Wulin Index in the 7749 style of Hengshan Sword. Because of the really powerful sword, the whole Hengshan Sect can flourish.
That is to say, the martial arts index Hengshan swordsmanship 7749 with a price of 70 points in the limited system is likely to be an ordinary Hengshan swordsmanship 7749.
Xu wants to find some tricks in the Wulin Mall.
Xu looked at the higher-rise shopping mall frame.
Everything comes to him who waits. Xu suddenly found something with surprise.
Xu actually saw the words "Three Big Clues".
Xu almost jumped with surprise.
If I hadn’t met this thing today, if I hadn’t consulted the three elders about three things, I wouldn’t have dreamed that this strange name would be the soul of Hengshan Jianfa.
Xu immediately looked at the three information.
The first floor of the three major Hengshan Jianfa Essence Institute can be mixed with Hengshan Jianfa 6742 style, the second floor can be mixed with Hengshan Jianfa last seven style, the third floor can be mixed with Hengshan Jianfa 7749 style, and the first floor can be sold in layers at a price of 30 Wulin Index; The price of the second floor is 60 Wulin index; The price of the third floor is 100 points, and the Wulin index is 120 points.
Xu found that there are three price introductions of Hengshan swordsmanship mixed by Wulin Mall.
Buy the first floor of Hengshan Jianfa 6742 style separately for 50 points Wulin Index.
Buy the second floor of the last seven styles of Hengshan swordsmanship separately, and the price is ten points Wulin Index.
The direct purchase of Hengshan swordsmanship 7749 style three-story restaurant costs 200 Wulin Index.
Xu was shocked after seeing this data.
Xu roughly figured out that if he bought three great things and added three great things to Hengshan Jianfa, the highest power value he could issue was 170 Wulin Index.
That is to say, you need to spend 120 points on Wulin Index to buy three great treasures, and the power of Hengshan swordsmanship will rise from 70 points to 170 points.
Because limiting unification is the fairest, most just and most powerful, the price of martial arts can be regarded as their power now.
If Xu used the first of the five swords in the sky as his card, then if he bought three, his biggest card would be Hengshan Jianfa!
The power of the first sword of the five swords in the sky is only ten points, but the Hengshan swordsmanship will climb directly from seventy points to one hundred and seventy points!
What is this concept?
Xu seems to see a road leading to the super strong!
And at that time, Xu will re-create the glory of Hengshan Sword School!
Xu is excited to the extreme!
Although there are many powerful martial arts in Wulin Mall, now you can see those martial arts, but the martial arts logo is gray, saying that there is no way to buy the realistic realm.
If a person’s strength level is pool and martial arts skill is water, you must have a large pool if you want to carry more water.
Xu Shili can buy martial arts with a price of 120 points at most.
And coincidentally, the three restaurants just sell for 120 points.
Xu saw his strong road.
A burst of cheers from the Hengshan Sword School camp made Xu wake up.
Xu looked up and saw that the root of the six elders’ field was printed in the middle but fell to the ground.