

"So sometimes I also advise JiXiong you to be careful."

Yoshikawa did not intend to continue drinking and said, "It’s like Wei Zhi can get what I can’t get." Zhou Xu said, "Wei Zhi is impartial and sees injustice, but Ji Xiong is angry. What is the same?" Liu Yi…


Twice a year, the Kun family will send people to check it out.

Make sure the forbidden area is blocked before you can rest assured. "The bodhi old zu! ?” "How had an accident! ?” See young dignified appearance old man smile also convergence. The youth nodded "The forbidden area was broken. We…


"To solve it, you must be a strong man or a genius in human beings."

"After all, only they have enough wisdom and resources to help you improve this problem." "But pet animals and animal benders choose each other’s potential." "I don’t think the genius or the strong among human beings should choose you as…


This woman is very unusual and valuable as a guide.

Isn’t Xin Qiji a good example? In addition to training and classes, Su Yonglin went to guide the driller to participate in various training activities of the guidance department. Su Yonglin felt that he was going to take Tian Jue’s…


At first, the Huashan Sect retreated quietly, and it was understandable that the younger brothers and ordinary people with low martial arts should withdraw their blood clouds first without paying too much attention to it.

But later, it became more and more obvious, and it seemed to give up Huashan blood clouds. This just woke up. At this time, the elite departments of Wuyue Sword Sect were all in Huashan, and it was very difficult…


Looking at the two of them so sensible, Zhang Ting was also very happy.

At this moment, the table suddenly sounded Liang Ru discontent. "Mother and son should also eat." The presence of talking about business, everyone heard the sound of Liang Ru, and all eyes were on Liang Ru’s side. "Don’t you still…


Look at those Chinese imperial ministers. Every one of them has been assisted by the scientific and technological forces of the Chinese Empire. The speed of development is unprecedented and crazy.

It is said that Xue Yunge had half a plane before he became a minister of the Chinese Empire, and now he has three planes! The people live and work in peace and contentment, and everything is thriving. On the…


"Brother-in-law should not be gay, after all, brother-in-law is married." Ding Tao said.

Qin Ming added, "who knows? The wife of the brother is so beautiful, maybe the beauty is tired of playing, and it is not possible to try other tastes. " "Yes, yes! There is some truth in what the Qin…


"Come on, isn’t this better?" Ling let go a little.

Ling was the last one to walk out of the back door of the mall with the evil spirits behind him. At this time, [Legend] the group officially left the business center and headed for the scheduled location two kilometers…


I didn’t ever save you … I just sacrificed everyone by hook or by crook to live on my own …

So how can I deserve you to stand in front of me so righteously … Qin Jing wanted to save Jason just because he substituted feelings in the novel to let him save the man who looked bleak. When life…