

After a drink, Elaine was about to leave when this man slapped her pink buttocks hard to make her face red. Elaine turned around and gave her a hard look. But this man just smelled his palm and laughed and stuffed the desktop silver ticket into her hand again.

Sitting not far away, Li Lian can see her nai expression. If she is given a choice, she will be frivolous. Her man is wearing a hole, but Li Lian is bringing his woman to study tonight, not just to…


After 90 minutes, the nurse shook her hand and sewed the last stitch in his wound. This time, the doctor and nurse will never forget the operation. Finally, Liu Weihua opened her eyes and showed a faint smile on her pale face. "Dr. Hyman, you cut me a total of 160 knives, right?"

Hyman doctor horror "how do you remember so clearly? Don’t you feel pain at all? " LiuWeiHua took a gasp and said "pain! It is because of the pain that I remember it very clearly. If your hand can be…


Liu Wenjing was a little startled. He didn’t expect Pei Ji to put on a smelly face on such a day. Immediately, he also sneered at a sleeve robe and threw it away.

At this time, the etiquette supervisor eunuch said, "It’s auspicious to worship the heavens and the earth!" Tang gaozu heard that he knelt down and lifted a eunuch, handed a three-column fragrance, and Tang gaozu took it and made several…


Shen Yue said, "About 80,000!"

"Depend, so much? !” "Yes! However, this is normal. Now there are only a few hundred guilds in Huaxia, but there are hundreds of millions of players in Huaxia. It is normal that there are more wolves and less meat,…


Street 2,000 elite cavalry occupied the main road of Suzaku Street, and they accepted the worship of the people. The front of Li Shimin’s team looked so high-spirited.

The restaurant Yangmei looked at the man and asked, "What?" "Because of me!" The man said lightly "Because of you?" Yangmei is puzzled. "It’s because of me," the man smiled faintly and he lowered his voice. "Do you remember where…


"Bah!" Lothar spit out a mouthful of fishy saliva.

Ogram even more horribly sends out high temperature directly on the surface of 【 Destroy Hammer 】, scorching his chest wound with the hammer as a soldering iron, stopping the rush and pouring out blood. Then both of them shouted…


As a result, guangzhou fu’s top military officer, General Qi Mukdener, knew that it was because of the trouble, but he didn’t organize an army for a while and planned to wait and see. At this point, the fact that the government had lost control of the city.

All the soldiers are clamoring for salaries, and they followed Xin ‘an County to rob the governor’s yamen, and robbed all the county offices, the minister in charge of providing food, the inspector, and even the Guangdong Sea. Of course,…



Is when we sigh with emotion face suddenly to a roar "wake up! "eh?" Sang Yu and I reacted together and bowed our heads as a result-Blackie was more angry than staring at us and gnashing her teeth and roared,…


Rao Shi Xing Xuan is now practicing in the early stage of emptiness, with three heads and eight arms and a golden body as high as Zhang Er, and refining this magic weapon is also exhausted.

When Xing Xuan finally refined this magic weapon and turned it into a three-inch size, he held it in his hand, and then he heard a tinkling music in the huge palace, surrounded by golden light, and nine huge skulls…


Even Jia Jian immediately called Jing Zhe, who might as well go straight back to this palace to warm up with a group of people here.

You Yan Qimu waited until noon, but even the tortoise went back and was just about to go out to find it. Even the tortoise just went to the stable and saw that even the tortoise came back riding a…