

Masked in black humanity: "The royal family does have a master, and the only opponent here who deserves to be regarded is a very old Zen."

"The background of the Royal Dojo is not simple. The fire Zen also has the pagoda realm. With the advantage of Zen fire, he can reach the pagoda realm faster than the people of other countries. With the help of…


Sun Wu thinks like this, but the fighting spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and it is also to mobilize the body’s "qi" to constantly carry Du Yu’s attack.

Boom Boom Boom See Du Yu, Sun Wu, fighting in the martial arts field, and colliding with the ghosting together. Du Yu relies on the strong resilience and special physique of Mu Kunlun, and the effect of increasing the force…


"player?" Xiaoyao Wang said incredulously through the data

Li Xun once again injected less than one-fifth of the magic into the hands of Eternal Excalibur. Li Xun’s hand was shaken by Li Xun’s force. Li Xun took out the blue potion again when he stepped back. This trick…


Just when Changsheng was going to have a rest, his mobile phone rang. Pick it up and it was from Moscow.

Changsheng looked at the phone number belonging to Moscow on the mobile phone screen, hesitated, and picked it up. "Often, damn it! What have you done? !” As soon as the phone was connected, Chang Sheng heard the angry roar…


It’s not that they are so obedient, but they really think their eyes are going to be frozen.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What’s with the popsicle?" Izayoi screamed loudly. Today, it’s been a terrible day for Ye Yu’s frost. Now there’s a monster that hurts his eyes at a glance. "I…


Chiyin "Anyway, it is a good thing that Ina Eminem the lion is still alive."

Pickup "hey, I know, I know. I mean, I mean, what shall we do?" Bao rewelding is definitely going to save people. How? Hey, I wish I were a warrior of Samsung God. " I am now a one-week Caicai…


But after a short communication, Webber’s hand did not point in the middle circle as Manchester United players hoped, but pointed to the sideline

No goal! Raging Rooney tried to rush at Weber again, but Scholes held him back again. If it was just now, Manchester United might have changed Webber’s penalty, but now it’s all in vain and it will be a waste…


Northrend Duke has less scruples.

When the Scourge Corps was surrounded by the ice cap glacier, Duke directly let two worms howl, wind fjords and grizzly hills nest. It is strictly forbidden for insects to attack those who have alliance and tribal emblems, and then…


This "5" should mean to make the other person pay back five "colors".

Despair の Tian’ chicken’ "Give back 5" Uiyuyhyj saw that the charming little girl didn’t respond and couldn’t help cursing "grass" Charming chick even more fiercely answered "Is it back to you, B" There are typos in it. Chapter 658…